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International Journal
- Arman, Ari Suparwanto, Salmah, Structure Of Input-Output Group Decoupling For Linear Descriptor Systems With Index One, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 40(3), page 281-304, 2018.
- Wijayanti, I.E, Yuwaningsih, D.A., Salmah, S(0)-weakly Second Submodule, Jurnal (Asian-European Journal of Mathematics), Article in Press, 2018
- Arman, Ari Suparwanto, Salmah, The Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Input-Output Group Decoupling for Linear Descriptor Systems with Index One, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Volume 101, Number 2, Pages 261-287, 2017.
- Zahrotul Amalia Solakha, Salmah, Imam Solekhudin, Influences of Off-Ramp Volumes on Mean Speed, Based on METANET Model, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), Accepted, 2017.
- Salmah, Kirtyana Nindita, Newton Method for Solution of Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equation in Linear Quadratic Dynamic Game with Feedback, SEAMS Bull. Math., Submitted, 2017.
- Kirtyana Nindita, Salmah, Computing the Solutions of Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations Arising from Open-Loop Linear Quadratic Differential Games by Using Exact Line Search Method, Archive of Control Sciences (ACS), Submitted, 2017.
- Muhammad Wakhid Musthofa, Salmah, Jacob Engwerda, Ari Suparwanto, Robust Optimal Control Design Using a Differential Game Approach for Open-Loop Linear Quadratic Descriptor Systems, Journal Optimization Theory and Applications (disingkat JOTA), Volume 168, Issue 3, 1046-1064, 2016.
- Salmah, Feedback Zero-Sum Linear Quadratic Dynamic Game for Descriptor System, WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, Volume 10, 476 – 483, 2015.
- Didik Khusnul Arif, Widodo, Salmah, Erna Apriliani, Construction of the Kalman Filter Algorithm on the Model Reduction, International Journal of Control and Automation, Vol.7, N.9, 2014, pp. 257-270, 2014.
- Salmah, Solikhatun, Noorma Yulia Megawati, Endra Joelianto, Agus Budiyono, Control of Autonomous Helicopter Models with Robust H2-type Switched Linear Controller, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (IJAMAS), CESER Publications, Vol.35, Issue No. 5, 137-148., 2013.
- Salmah, Nash Equilibrium of Discrete Time Two-Person Game for Descriptor Systems, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (IJAMAS), CESER Publications, Vol.35, Issue No. 5, 2013.
- Muhammad Wakhid Musthofa, Salmah, Jacob C. Engwerda, and Ari Suparwanto, The Open-Loop Zero-Sum Linear Quadratic Impulse Free Descriptor Differential game, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (IJAMAS), CESER Publications, Vol.35, Issue No. 5, 2013.
- Jacob C. Engwerda, Salmah, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Feedback Nash Equilibria for the Affine-Quadratic Differential Game, Jurnal Optim Theory and Applications (Springer), Vol. 157, No.1, April, 2013.
- Noorma Yulia Megawati, Salmah, Indah Emilia Wijayanti, Endra Joelianto, Safety Analysis of Linear Systems with Complex Eigenvalues using SOS, International Journal of Imaging and Robotics (IJIR), CESER Publications, Volume 10, Issue no.2, 105-120, 2013.
- Muhammad Wakhid Musthofa, Salmah, Jacob C. Engwerda, Ari Suparwanto, Feedback saddle point equilibria for soft-constrained zero-sum linear quadratic descriptor differential game, Archives of Control Sciences, Volume 23 (LIX), No.4, 473-493, 2013.
- Jacob C. Engwerda, Salmah, Feedback Nash equilibria for linear quadratic descriptor differential games, Automatica (Elsevier), No. 48, 625-631, 2012.
- Jacob C. Engwerda, O. Boldea, T. Michalak, J. Plasmans, Salmah, A Simulation Study of an ASEAN Monetary Union, Economic Modelling (Elsevier), Volume 29, 1870-1890, 2012.
International Conference
- Zaiful Ulum, Moh. Affaf, Salmah, Ari Suparwanto, Active Suspension Systems Design of a Light Rail Vehicle Using MPC with Preview Information Disturbance, Proceeding ICA, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2017.
- Dimas K.N.Rachim, Salmah, Imam Solekhudin, Link Transmission Model Involving Multi Class Vehicle, Proceeding ICA, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2017.
- Zani Anjani R, Salmah, Ari Suparwanto, Newton Modification For Solving Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation, Proceeding ICA, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2017.
- Salmah, Kirtyana Nindita, Newton Method for Solution of Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equation in Linear Quadratic Dynamic Game with Feedback, Proceeding Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC), Bali, Indonesia, 2016.
- Salmah, Kirtyana Nindita, Newton-Like Method for Solving Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equation of Feedback Linear Quadratic Game, Proceeding ICA 2016, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016. (online paper, pdf)
- Kirtyana Nindita, Salmah, Exact Line Search Method for Solving Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations Arising from Open-loop Linear Quadratic Differential Games, Proceeding ICA 2016, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016. (online paper, pdf)
- Salmah, Sutrisno, Endra Joelianto, Agus Budiyono, Indah E. Wijayanti, Noorma Y. Megawati, Model Predictive Control for Obstacle Avoidance as Hybrid Systems of Small Scale Helicopter, Proceeding ICA 2013, Bali, Indonesia, 2013.
- Sutrisno, Salmah, Indah E.W., Noorma Yulia Megawati, LQ Cooperative Distributed MPC To Protect Buildings From Seismic Activities, Proceeding ICA 2013, Bali, Indonesia, 2013.
- Sutrisno, Salmah, Endra Joelianto, Agus Budiyono, Indah E. Wijayanti, Noorma Yulia Megawati, Tracking Control for Hybrid System of Unmanned Small Scale Helicopter Using Predictive Control, Proceeding Robionetics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2013.
- Fransiscus Xaverius Johan, Endra Joelianto, Augie Widyotriatmo, Salmah, Experiment of Model Based Non Linear Control Design for Altitude Control of Quadrotor Using Vision Based Localization System, Proceeding Robionetics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2013.
- Salmah, Stackelberg Strategy in Linear Quadratic Dynamic Game for Descriptor Systems, Proceeding ICCSII, Bandung, Indonesia, 2012.
- Sutrisno, Salmah, Indah Emilia Wijayanti, Distributed Model Predictive Control and Application to Irrigation Canal, Proceeding ICCSII, Bandung, Indonesia, 2012.
- Sutrisno, Salmah, Indah Emilia Wijayanti, Cooperative Dynamic Game Discrete Time Case, Proceeding ICCSII, Bandung, Indonesia, 2012.
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